Board of Supervisors
The Board of Supervisors consists of three members elected to serve a 6-year term. The Supervisors are assisted by an appointed Township Manager who is responsible for carrying out township policies and administrative duties. The Board of Supervisors appoints the Manager who operates under the direction of the Board. The Supervisors of North Codorus Township are also assisted by the Township Solicitor, staff members, various advisory authorities, boards, and commissions.
The Board of Supervisors meetings are open to the publicand held at the Township building every first Tuesday of THE month at 7:00 pm.
A prepared agenda is provided, and citizen input is encouraged to voice opinions and/or concerns.
Meetings are subject to change and should be verified by contacting the Township office.
Board of Supervisors
Denny K. Ilyes—Chairman of the Board (Term Expires 12/31/2025)
Jackson LeVault (Term Expires 12/31/2027)
Scott Meckley, Jr (Term Expires 12/31/2029)
Township Solicitor
Andrew Miller—MPL Law Firm
Township Engineer
Bill Rudy—Pennoni Associates
Meeting Agendas
Below are current and past BOS agendas.
Current Year Meeting Agendas
Click here to download the upcoming meeting agenda.
Meeting Minutes
Below are BOS meeting minutes.