Reserve a Pavilion
Behind the Municipal Building, 15.6 acres have been developed to create a recreational park for use by the residents. Soccer fields, baseball fields and tennis courts are put to good use.
Click Here view and download the pavilion reservation form.
Park Rules
- Open Dawn to Dusk. The park closes at sunset, no trespassing during this time. The park reopens at sunrise.
- No littering. All trash, garbage and refuse is to be placed in the containers provided for this purpose.
- Do not neglect, destroy, or remove park property. Negligent or deliberate destruction or removal of natural or park property or baseball field property is prohibited.
- Use park property as intended. Recreational activity is restricted to locations appropriate to the activity or as directed by the north codorus township board of supervisors.
- Open fires will be permitted only in charcoal grills. Fires may not be left unattended and must be thoroughly extinguished before they are abandoned. Ashes must be disposed of in the containers provided for this purpose.
- Soliciting is prohibited, unless otherwise approved by the north codorus township board of supervisors.
- Posting of signs is prohibited unless permission is obtained from north codorus township board of supervisors.
- No alcohol or illegal drugs. Possession or use of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs is prohibited.
- No firearms or projectiles. Use or discharge of any type of firearm, air gun, slingshot, bow or similar item or device is prohibited.
- No fireworks or explosives. Fireworks or any other explosive devices are prohibited except when written permission is granted by the North Codorus Township Board of Supervisors.
- No disruptive conduct. Boisterous, immoral, or indecent conduct is prohibited.
- Pets must be kept on leash. Any waste from pets must be removed from the park by the pet’s owner.
- No motorized recreational vehicles. Motorized vehicles including snowmobiles, recreational vehicles, motorcycles ATVs or UTVs are prohibited.
- Motor vehicles are allowed only on designated roadways. They must be parked only in designated parking areas. Overnight parking is prohibited. Motor vehicles in violation of the above will be removed from the park or baseball fields at the owner’s expense.
- Obey the 10 MPH Speed Limit. The speed limit on all roadways and in parking areas shall not exceed ten (10) miles per hour.