Zoning Hearing Board

The Zoning Hearing Board consists of three residents who each serve a three-year term, and they are appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Zoning Hearing Board members receive a stipend for each Zoning Hearing they attend.
By Pennsylvania Statute, the Zoning Hearing Board chooses the Solicitor, and the Solicitor provides legal counsel and assists the Zoning Hearing Board. The Solicitor’s compensation is set by the Solicitor and the Township pays the fees for the Solicitor.

Planning Commision meetingsare held at the Township building every third Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm.

On an as needed basis.

Duane R. Kerstetter—Chairman
Billy Myers

(Thomas Salter—Alternate #1)
Devon Myers (CGA)—Zoning Solicitor
Karen Brown—Stenographer

The Zoning Hearing Board’s purpose is to hear appeals of the Zoning Officer’s decision by interpreting the ordinance and granting relief from the literal enforcement of that ordinance in certain hardship situations. It also decides on applications for variances and special exceptions.

The Zoning Officer schedules Zoning Hearings for the Zoning Hearing Board to hear the evidence presented and renders decisions that contain findings of fact and conclusion of the law. Legal notices of the meetings are listed in the legal section of the local newspaper. Copies of the legal notice are sent to the applicant, and adjacent neighbors of the applicant, The property is also posted with the legal notice.

Hearing Notices, Agendas, Minutes & Discussions

Click on the link below to view and download the Zoning Hearing Board meeting documents.